👋 Welcome

I'm a software developer based in Portugal 🇵🇹.

Love doing succint functional programming
through Haskell and micro services in Scala

My power tools include: NixOS , Lazygit Emacs and XMonad

Check out what I'm working on at my Github

📌 About me

Hello, I'm a software developer based in Portugal 🇵🇹.
I started out in middle school coding as a hobby in the Unity game engine.

I've since been learning and developing various kinds of software. Being most comfortable with building frontend apps (using HTML, CSS and Javascript with Vue or React); backend servers in Laravel/PHP or Python and recently functional programming with Haskell.

(...) click to read more

I'm passionate about functional programming, having discovered the concept in 2019 and learning how to use it through Haskell since.

I am a Linux user and currently run my laptop with the NixOS distro.

You can find my projects through my Github profile


source code

Laravel (PHP) + Websockets (Node.js) + Vue (Javascript)

Full stack Single Page App for virtual banking cards

This website allows users to create virtual banking accounts for sending money to others. The money was simulated.

Main features:

  • Creating virtual cards (vCards) associated to phone numbers;
  • Transfer "money" (simulated) between vCards or to other payment services (simulated);
  • Create categories and assign transactions to categories;
  • Access statistics like balance and number of transactions throughout time;

Also contains management tools for administrator accounts like account blocking, adding money to a card and managing payment services.

The websocket server gives the app realtime updates for things like updating balance upon receiving a transaction, while the backend server acts like an API and implements authentication through OAuth. All interface logic is handled by Vue.


Regul-A Platform 2.0

Laravel (PHP) website + Android App (Kotlin) + Firebase

Mobile app to help caretakers of children with ASD and website for health professionals.

This was my final project in university. I developed a new version of the existing platform, focusing on making it ready for a product launch.

Some of the issues I tackled:

  • Converted the mobile app from Java to Kotlin
  • Added monitoring capabilities with Google Analytics and Firebase Crashlytics;
  • Created end-to-end tests in both interfaces and unit tests for security rules;
  • Deployed the web server using NixOS and created a CI/CD pipeline;

Unfortunately, I cannot share the source code.



source code

Single Page App in React + Typescript + Styled Components

A typeracer clone website where you try to type lyrics of a song as fast as you can.

I have a demo website for you to try it out

In the homepage, you can search for a song

Upon selecting your song. You can then type out the lyrics.


Engineer Layout

source code

Haskell package

Layout for the XMonad Window Manager

I built a customizable layout for the XMonad Window Manager. It allows you to set pre-defined layouts for when a specific group of windows is present on the workspace. Window categories and how to categorise them is left up to you to define.


keymap viewer

source code

Haskell package

Utility to view keys for the XMonad Window Manager

I never knew what keys I could bind to new shortcuts in my window manager,

so combining some existing utilities like xkbprint and the power of bash scripts

I was able to create an altered postscript code that paints keys which you have already used



source code

Laravel (PHP)

T-shirt printing service website

You can pick from a variety of designs, customizing the size and color of the shirt.
A cart system is also implemented.